Red West Concerts has a vision, to create and shape the highlights of people's lives through powerful live experiences.

Nolan Red, FOunder

Red West Concerts LLC was founded by Nolan “Red” Walsh to bring quality live entertainment to underserved markets in the Pacific Northwest. As a few multinational corporations continue to consolidate concert promotion, he has seen more markets and venues left behind. A graduate of Washington State University, Nolan has a plethora of experience in live events. From parties and dances as a teenager to WSU Concert Committee, an internship with LMG Concerts, club promotion and now booking shows he is well positioned as the head of Red West Concerts.

AIden white, content

Aiden A. White heads Red West Concerts marketing and media. A highly skilled photographer and videographer, he has proven his excellence in the ever changing landscape of today’s social media platforms. Aiden has amassed a considerable following of his own while also managing multiple public personalities and companies’ social media presences from his office in Los Angeles. Check out his work on Instagram @aidenawhite or aidenawhite.com.